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Our lists are routinely larger in part because MondoFlyers adheres to email best-practices — such as never emailing property flyers to out of state agents, and using detailed email subject lines. These practices build trust so recipients continue receiving our quality flyers.
We encourage you to compare our list size in YOUR area vs. any other vendor, by comparing each vendor's price lists!
An email list can quickly "burn-out" when companies email listings to out-of-state agents, or send email subject lines that omit listing specifics. (Competitors who do both often have smaller lists.)
Our exceptionally well-trained staff review your flyer for common problems to help you get a great open rate.
At least one other vendor – with often smaller lists – claims "bigger lists isn’t always better." Well, when their open rate guarantee is the same 10% as ours, the larger list has more guaranteed opens. Math.
MondoFlyers makes daily updates to our lists to keep them up-to-date, including (among other things) reviewing every automated reply indicating a recipient has moved or is no longer a practicing agent.
Start your eflyer now!
no prepayment - no obligation - no cancel fee
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